Frequently asked questions

  • Avoid acidic substances (wine, coffee, juice, tomato sauce) and hot items directly on the surface. Use coasters and pads
  • Wipe spills immediately; clean regularly with a damp cotton cloth, avoiding harsh chemicals
  • Protect from direct sunlight, heat, and keep in a cool temperature free from humidity to prevent damage and warping
  • Lift, don't drag, furniture
  • Keep wood dry to avoid rot and mold
  • Over time all wood will naturally change color due to exposure to sunlight and air. Typically lighter woods get darker and darker woods get lighter
  • Protect from acids and spills; wipe immediately
  • Dust and clean with water; avoid harsh cleaners and hot items on the surface
  • Resealing and polishing your stone over time is recommended
  • If cracks develop over time a professional marble worker can repair them
  • Similar care to marble; dust, clean with water, protect from acids, and avoid harsh cleaning products.
  • Resealing and polishing your stone over time is recommended
  • If cracks develop over time a professional stone worker can repair them
  • Keep dry, dust regularly, and clean with water or mild soap.
  • Use coasters or placemats under items that can scratch the metal
  • Avoid abrasives and harsh chemicals.
  • Keep the metal dry to avoid corrosion and rusting
  • Vacuum with upholstery attachment; avoid direct sunlight.
  • Blot spills immediately; for stubborn stains, use warm water or mild soap gently.
  • Professional cleaning recommended annually
  • Loose seat cushions will wrinkle with use, rotate and fluff cushions regularly
  • Avoid direct sunlight
  • A certain amount of feather shedding is to be expected
  • For common stains (chocolate, coffee, ketchup, etc.), use water or white soap.
  • Use a teaspoon or flat utensil for solids, dab with water, and gently rub with a microfiber cloth for removal
  • Avoid heat; let air dry
  • Vacuum to remove dust
  • Avoid sunlight and heat
  • Dry cleaning recommended
  • For Boucle, use a diluted fabric detergent solution for stains, blotting gently without rubbing
  • Frequent vacuum cleaning is recommended to help with shedding.
  • Avoid powerful vacuum heads with stiff bristle brushes as this might damage the rug.
  • If the rug has serged (finished) edges & fringes, refrain from continuously running the vacuum over the edges, as this will loosen fibers and cause breakage. Use the handheld attachment to clean fringes.
  • Rugs of all materials and constructions should be rotated every 3—6 months to balance colour fading, and evenly distribute wear tear.
  • Avoid pulling the rug while heavy furniture is standing on it as this might damage the rug.
  • Do not dry clean or use harsh chemicals that could damage or fade your rug. Professional cleaning is recommended on occasion to ensure the long life of your rug. Make sure to use a cleaner that specializes in wool + specialty Fibers.
  • Make sure to use a professional cleaner that specializes in wool and specialty Fibers.